Photo: A. Chaudron, AIFM
8th Mediterranean Forest Week (November 2024)
Juan-Antonio Hernández-Agüero went to the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona, where he has presented results on the stakeholder's survey: concensus exceeds disagreement when ranking priorities for conservation across the Mediterranean forest. He was also part of a panel discussion with nine other speakers, on how to adapt the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to preserve and restore Mediterranean forests biodiversity.
British Ecological Society (BES) (December 2024)
Elysa Silva and Camille Magneville went to the BES conference in Liverpool to present their advances. Elysa presented a poster explaining the "Skewness-Kurtosis" framework she is using in the WP2, to study the evenness of the distribution of body mass within the studied taxon. Camille presented her results in the WP3, on the past and present drivers of diversity facets and dimensions across the five taxa studied. They participated to the Macroecology SIG social events, and attended diverse lunch workshops.

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